"Blue Lunch is a speculative satire masquerading as a political thriller brimming with intelligence, absurdity and insightful humour - Playing like a high-fructose fusion of Thomas Pynchon’s madcap socio-political surrealism and William Gibson’s zeitgeisty science-fiction stylings, Blue Lunch is an intoxicating stew of political satire, sex-comedy, cold-war thriller and science-fiction fantasy - Steven’s amusing prose style, gift for bantering dialogue, and talent for making complex scientific jargon readable ensures the novel’s pacing doesn’t falter - Blue Lunch is smart, incisive, hilarious fiction that skewers the modern world’s complexities and geopolitical scientific concerns, with effortless cool."
- Blueink Review 2023
...In a world where the ordinary borders on the fantastic, thought can directly influence reality - If you’re a member of clandestine factions fighting for ownership of a technical breakthrough that will take mankind to its next level, or to become its ultimate destroyer. Blue Lunch is the story of Clayton Fitzhugh, a self-styled rock star scientist taking the global limelight by storm, an individual who has conversations with death, but who can’t recall anything about his own life beyond the past five years. Blue Lunch is an epic novel of action, science-fiction, horror, and romance, interspersed with moments of insane off-the-wall humor...
Leslie C. Stevens
Leslie Stevens is a high-technology professional specializing in system engineering for top-tier microchip operations around the world.
His work has taken him to Silicon Valley, Japan, Thailand, Taiwan, China, The Netherlands, Czechia, Vermont, and New York.
He currently holds a position supporting advanced electron microscopy for research, industry, and academia.
A resident of the Hudson Valley, he travels extensively throughout the Northeastern United States and overseas.
His lifelong favorite pastime is cooking and food.
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